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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Confocal Microscopes

  • Update Date:2024-06-19
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
[Guanfu] High-speed Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope - Leica TCS SP5 II
High Speed Scanning Laser Conjugate Focus Microscope
  • High-speed laser scanning confocal microscope
    • Abbreviation:HS-LSCM
    • Label:Leica, Germany
    • Model:TCS SP5 II
  • Instrument expert : Prof. Liau, Ian
    • ext 56572
  • Instrument Manager : Chen Po-Shuo
    • ext 56511
  • Instrument Location : Room 601, TKP Photonic Building
Instrument brand, model, year of purchase
  • Brand: Leica, Germany
  • Model: TCS SP5 II
  • Purchase period: September, 2012
Important Specifications
  1. Scanner head: 3 sets of fluorescent detectors (spectral sensing range is 400 ~ 800 nm) and 1 set of transmitted light sensors. High-resolution scanning mode and high-speed scanning mode can be switched according to needs.
  2. Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter (AOBS): controls the intensity and splitting ratio of the laser excitation light source.
  3. Multiple laser systems and AOTF control systems:
    • AOTF optical fiber transmission can control multiple sets of lasers at the same time.
    • Excitation wavelength: 405, 442, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm
  4. Motorized autofocus inverted fluorescence microscope: with autofocus system
  5. System computer and image processing workstation: system control and image processing platform
  1. 3-D imaging
  2. Time-lapse imaging
  3. Multiplex fluorescence imaging
  4. Other fluorescence image analysis
Opening hours
  1. Monday to Friday Daytime: 09:00 ~ 18:00
  2. Weekday Nights, Saturdays and Sundays:
    • Weekday nights (18:00 ~ 22:00);
    • Saturdays and Sundays are currently not open and will be evaluated based on future usage.
System Opening Level
  1. General working hours: Level A, B, C
  2. Nights: Level B, C
Level Description
  • Level A: Open to students who need to use it. They can operate it on their own after training and assessment.
  • Level B: Each professor nominates one student for training, while the rest operate under those who have been trained. Professors with multiple students using the instrument can request an increase in the number of students receiving training.
  • Level C: The instrument administrator selects several students recommended by the professor to receive training. After passing the assessment, they can self-operate the instrument and be responsible for delegated operation service.
  • Level D: The laboratory's technical staff only accept delegated services and are unavailable for general use.
Charging standards

Working hours (09:00 ~ 18:00): NT$1,500/hour, each session is calculated as 4 hours.
Non-working hours (18:00 ~ 22:00): NT$2,000/hour, each session is calculated as 4 hours.
  • The laser system of this instrument must be warmed up before use and cooled down after use. In order to avoid damage due to frequent switching on and off, and excessive use time by a single user affecting other users, each Use session is in four-hour increments.
Management and usage instructions:
  1. To use this equipment, you must schedule an appointment with the instrument operation technician at least one week in advance. Cancellations are not allowed within two days of the appointment. The reservation period will still be charged if the appointment is not canceled at least two days in advance.
  2. When making an appointment, applicants must discuss the type of sample (e.g., slides, Petri dishes), the type of cells or animal tissue, and the type of fluorescence used (excitation/emission bandwidth).
  3. If you need to use the oil immersion objective and water immersion objective, please indicate this when making the reservation and confirm the correct usage method. The oil lens must be cleaned after use.
  4. It is prohibited to use isotopic, infectious, and highly volatile samples.
  5. Unauthorized use will result in termination of laboratory access.
  6. No additional parts or software may be installed without the consent of the administrator and system engineer.
  7. Before using the system, you should confirm that the instrument system is functioning normally. After use, record it in the usage register. If there are any problems, immediately notify the instrument administrator to avoid disputes and clarify responsibilities.
  8. Access to experimental data is limited to new (DVD/VCD) discs and cannot be stored in other ways.
  9. Applicants are responsible for restoring the instrument after use and keeping the microscope system and surrounding desktop clean. You may only leave after confirmation by the administrator.
  10. Applicants should fill in the usage regulations consent form when using it for the first time to confirm that they understand the regulations.
  11. If anyone violates the regulations, the administrator may suspend the user's rights according to the circumstances.
  12. If the instrument or system accessories (such as objective lenses) are damaged due to improper use, the person in charge of the laboratory shall be responsible for relevant compensation.
  13. If you use images captured by this instrument in journal works, please mention the name of the instrument and its location in the acknowledgment or method section of the journal article.
Instrument training application and instrument reservation
Please contact the administrator: Chen Po-Shuo  03-5712121#56511