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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Payment Isssues

The common equipment usage fee of Yangming Campus will be accrued every two months, and the person in charge of the laboratory can visit Instrument usage fee inquiry system Check the use and payment records. If you need to inquire about the user account, please call or send a letter to the mailbox of the center, and someone will reply to you.
  1. On-campus units: The dry ice and core facilities are charged for use. The center will use the accumulative method to issue accounts every 2 months, and send a payment notice every odd-numbered month. You can choose to pay by planned transfer, cash or credit card payment in the cashier’s group, or remittance payment;Fill out the "Fund Transfer Application Form" according to the instructions.
  2. off-campus units: All instruments are charged and used. Please bring the payment notice to the cashier team to pay in cash or credit card, or pay by remittance before the payment deadline, and please return the copy of the payment receipt after completing the payment, or call 02-28267000 extension 62382 to inform The number of the payment receipt is used to write off the account.
The center conducts 1-2 accounting checks every year and notifies the person in charge of the laboratory in written reminders. If the person in charge of the laboratory fails to complete the payment within one month after receiving the notice, the center will suspend the right to use the instrument in the laboratory and submit it to the User Committee of the Instrument Resource Center to discuss whether to disable the use of other instruments and access control Permission until the account is paid off.
The common equipment usage fee of Yangming Campus is accumulatively billed every two months. The system will send the previous bills on the 10th-11th of the odd-numbered months. If you forget to pay or the bills are overdue,The unpaid amount in the previous period will be accumulated to the next bill, please pay as soon as possible after receiving the new bill. If you have any questions, please call or send a letter to the mailbox of the center, and someone will assist you in replying.
The center conducts 1-2 times of account checks and written reminders to the person in charge of the laboratory every year, and sends written reminder notices and details to be paid in official documents within the school. If the person in charge of the laboratory fails to complete the payment within one month after receiving the notice, the center will suspend the right to use the laboratory's instruments, and submit it to the Instrument Resource Center User Committee to discuss whether to deactivate other instrument use rights and access control rights until the account is paid off.
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