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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Fluorescence Microscopes

  • Update Date:2024-06-27
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
[YangMing] Upright Microscope - Olympus BX61
Upright Fluorescence Microscope Olympus BX61
  • Motorized Upright Fluorescence Microscope
  • Instrument Location: Room 639, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
  • Person in charge: YM Campus Imaging Core Facility 
  • Term of use: Certification required. 
    • Only those who have passed the certification test after the instruction and have operated the device more than 5 times during office hours will be authorized to make a reservation.
    • Free of charge for on-campus use. Please refer to the charging standard for off-campus use.
  • Reservation >>> Instrument Reservation System
Microscope System:
  • Olympus BX61 Upright Metallurgical Microscope
  • 10X, 20X, 40X,
  • 100X(oil)
Fluorescence Illumination System:
  • Fluorescent mercury lamp
Filter sets:
  • There are three sets of fluorescence filters for ultraviolet excitation, blue light excitation and green light excitation. (Note)
Image capture (Camera):
  • Color CCD
Fluorescence filter set
Unit Excitation filter Emission filter Dichromatic mirror Applicable fluorochrome
UV excitation filter set 330-385 420 400 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenyl-indole HCI (DAPI),
7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-3-acetic acid (AMCA),
8-Anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid Mg salt (ANS),
Alexa Fluor 350, Aniline blue,
bis-Aminophenyl-oxadizole (BAO)-Feulgen,
Calcein Blue, Calcofluor white, Cascade Blue, Coumarin maleimide (CPM),
Dansyl chloraide, Dansyl hydrazine, Diphenylhexatriene (DPH),
Dimethylaminophthalene-5-sulfonic acid (DANS),
EBFP, ERTracker Blue-White DPX, Euchrysine (Acridine Orange),
Fast Blue, Filipin, Fluorescamine,
Granular Blue,
Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342,
o-Phtalaldehyde (OPT),
Tetracycline, True Blue
Blue light excitation filter set 470-495 510F 505
Acridine Orange, Acridine Yellow, Alexa Fluor 488, Alexa Fluor 488-Phalloidin,
Alexa Flour 532, Auramine O, Auramine O-Feulgen,
Calcein, Calcein/AM, Carboxyfluorescein-diacetate (CFDA), Chromomycin A3,
Coriphosphine O, Cy2,
DiO, DiO C6(3),
EGFP, Eosin-isothiocyanate, EYFP,
Fluoresceindiacetate (FDA), Fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC), FluorX,
MitoFluor Green,
NBD-Phallacidin, Nile Red,
Oregon Green 488,
Rhodamine 123,
Spectrum Green, SYTOX Green nucleic acid stain
Green light excitation filter set 530-550 575IF

7-Amino Actinomycin D,
Acidic Fuchsin (Pararosaniline), Alexa Fluor 546, Alexa Fluor 568,
Ethidium Bromide, Ethidium homodimer-1, Evans Blue,
LysoTracker Red DND-99,
Merocyanine 540, MitoTracker Red CMXRos,
NanoOrange, Nile Red,
Pararosaniline-Feulgen, Phycoerythrin B (PE-B), Phycoerythrin R (PE-R),
Propidium Iodide (PI), Pyronin Y,
Resorufin, RFP (DsRed), Rhodamine B-isothiocyanate (RITC), Rhodamine-Phalloidin,
Spectrum Orange,
Tetramethylrhodamine-isothyocyanate (TRITC),
Xylenol Orange
  • Bright field imaging: HE staining, silver staining, etc.
  • Fluorescent immunostaining samples
  • Continuous Z-axis acqusition
  • Simple manual measurement
*Users must be certified.
Users should pass the certification test and operate the system more than 5 times (including) during office hours (8:30-16:30) before they are authorized to reserve online, and can use the system according to the regulations. If the certified user does not use the device for one month, he/she must be certified again by the administrator.
  1. Reservation regulations:
    • Please go to the "Instrument Reservation System" to make a reservation before use. The person who makes the reservation must be the actual user.
    • After use, please register in the record book. The start time is the reservation time, and the end time is based on the end time of use. You cannot delay the start time or occupy other people's time slots.
    • Reservations cannot be canceled on the same day. Reservations made more than half an hour after the scheduled time are considered abandoned.
    • No same-day reservations are accepted. Please confirm your reservation by 16:30 of the previous workday at the latest; late changes violate the rules and will not be accepted.
    • Each person can make 4 reservations within two weeks, and each reservation can be made for 4 hours.
  2. Sample requirements:
    • Fixed slide samples must be completely sealed before loading.
    • Please be sure to clean slides before loading.
    • Please ask the Instrument Center Administrator for assistance if you have any other needs or special usage requirements.
  • Monday to Friday
    • 00:00-24:00 for Certified users only
  • Weekends
    • 00:00-24:00 for Certified users only
Instrument charges (NTD per hour)
Fluorescence Microscope Slide scanner Upright type Inverted type
For living cells
On Confocal Microscope
For living cells 
Model (Z) Axioscan 7 (L) DM6000B
(O) BX61
(O) BX63
(O) IX83 (Z) LSM880
(Z) LSM900
Fees for NYCU faculty and students 300 0 100 300
Fees for cooperative educational units 450 50 150 450
Fees for other unit 600 100 200 600
  1. Abbreviation: (L) Leica, (O) Olympus, (Z) Zeiss
  2. Number of Reservations: Each person can make four reservations per device within a two-week period, with a maximum of four hours per reservation. Reservations can be made consecutively on all devices.
  3. Besides the imaging core facility education and training organized by the center, it is recommended to bring your samples for scheduled teaching and certification exams (experimental data can be taken away), and the charges will be the same as for general use.
  4. The above table shows the hourly usage charge. Charges are calculated on a half-hour basis.
Users must complete confocal microscope certification to use.
If you have the following qualifications, you will be charged the same fee as NYCU faculty and students:
  • Branch school
  • Joint-appointed faculty 
  • Affiliated hospitals 
  • Projects in cooperation with and under the control of the University.
If you have the following qualifications, the fee will be the same as that of a cooperative educational unit:
  • Adjunct faculty
  • Teaching hospitals (Veterans General Hospital, Taipei City Hospital, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, etc.)
  • University System of Taiwan (UST)
  • Companies participate in the academia-industry cooperation center of NYCU
Instruments are charged per half hour, and the billing will be counted at the end of each odd-numbered month. Please bring the bill to the Cashier's Section of the Administration Building within two weeks at the latest. The service will be stopped if the number of overdue payments reaches (and includes) two times.
  1. Be sure to turn off the mercury lamp before leaving!
  2. Remember to select the corresponding lens when taking pictures to avoid the wrong scale conversion.
  3. No USB flash drive is allowed. Please use FTP to transfer files or bring your blank CD-ROM to burn data. Due to the limited space of the computer's hard disk, the administrator will delete the data from time to time to facilitate the normal operation of the instrument. We are not responsible for data storage.
  4. Without the consent of the administrator of the Center, you are not allowed to add or remove any parts, alter the system settings, or install software on the Center's public equipment. If any experiment requires any test, the administrator's consent must be sought first and accompanied by the engineer of the original manufacturer to carry out the testing without damaging the normal operation of the equipment, and only after the passing of the test can it be operated and used by the personnel approved by the administrator of the Center under the condition of the administrator's permission.
  5. According to the administrator's judgment, the violator is warned for the first time, canceled the right to use for one month for the second time, and canceled the right to use permanently for the third time; if the violator violates the above specification, resulting in the damage of the instrument, the violator shall pay compensation to repair the instrument and stop the right to use for one month. The violator is prohibited from using the instrument permanently.
  • Software operation instruction video
  • Certification-form-FL_2022
  • How-to-choose-FL-microscope
Related Image(s):
  • Contact: [ 分機 66185]