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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Mass Spectrometer

  • Update Date:2024-05-21
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
Extreme Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometer (LC-MSMS)
Ultimate Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometer (LC-MSMS)
  • Instrument Location: Room 647, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
  • Administrator: Mass spectrometer facility specialist
    • Contact number: (02) 2826-7382
  • Qualification: This instrument is open to self-operation by certified users or service commissioned by our technicians.
  • Booking>>> Instrument Reservation System




 Equipment includes:
  1. Ultimate Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) and Sample Autosampler (Autosampler)
  2. Three-stage quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer (MS/MS)
  3. Operation and analysis software


 Analysis services provided include quantitative/qualitative experiments - quantitative/qualitative analysis of known small organic molecules (metabolites) in samples compared to standards and internal standards
This instrument is open to self-operation by certified users or service commissioned by our technicians.

I. Reservation rules:

  1. Please make reservations via the IRC center’s "Instrument Reservation System" before using the instrument. The person making the reservation must be the actual user.
  2. After use, accurately register the start and end times in the record book. The start time should match the time registered in the instrument reservation system, and the end time should reflect the actual end of use (including system recovery and cleaning time).
  3. Users are allowed a maximum of 6 appointments per person per week, with a maximum of 48 hours per week. If additional analysis time is needed, the usage time can be extended without affecting other reservations.
  4. Reservations or cancellations must be completed in the instrument reservation system before 17:00 the day before use; new reservations or temporary cancellations on the same day will not be accepted.
  5. Self-operated operators can use the instrument from Monday to Thursday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. It is closed for maintenance on Fridays. Special arrangements can be made by contacting the instrument administrator.
  6. For overnight and holiday use permissions, users must have used it 6 times during work days and obtain the administrator's consent. Contact the administrator for holiday reservations.
  7. For overnight use, all settings, instrument adjustments, and analysis operations must be completed before 17:00 on the same day.

II. Sample Instructions:

  • Perform purification steps such as high-speed centrifugation, protein removal, and filtration before putting the analyzed sample on the machine to avoid damaging the mass spectrometer.
  • Self-operators must bring all relevant experimental consumables.

III. Experimental data:

  • Experimental data are temporarily stored in the mass spectrometer computer for 3 months and then deleted. If the computer fails during this period, the center will not be responsible for data storage.
  • Users must prepare their own formatted hard drive to access analysis data. Do not insert an unformatted hard drive arbitrarily, as it may cause damage to the instrument and computer, for which you will be responsible for repairs.
If the mass spectrometer is damaged due to poor sample preparation or improper human operation, it will be handled in accordance with the "National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Instrument Resource Center Yang Ming Campus Instrument Open Use Management Rules."

If you have any other questions, please contact us.
【Certification Process】
【Certification Process】
  • Weekday License:
    1. First, watch the instruction video of the instrument.
    2. Attend the hands-on training course held by the center every semester.
    3. Pass the instrument operation certification exam (can re-test once)
    4. If you do not pass the exam two times, you must attend the hands-on training course again to be qualified for re-test.
    5. Operate the device three times under the administrator's supervision to gain the weekday license (Mon-Thurs 8:00 am - 5:00 pm).
  • Overnight and Holiday license:
    • Users must have completed six sessions on weekdays, and the administrator will authorize access to the system.
      1. Overnight Reservation Rule: Users must complete the initial setup and adjustment before 5 PM on the same day and confirm the machine settings and system running before leaving overnight.
      2. Holiday Reservation Rule: Users must contact the administrator before reservation.
  • Note
    • Each laboratory can have a maximum of two eligible personnel apply for certification. If there are more than two users, a request should be submitted to the administrator to increase the quota.
    • If a certified user has not used the facilities for over three months, they must reapply to the administrator for additional certification.
    • Any attempt to make a reservation without proper certification or unauthorized use of another user's account will result in the suspension of user privileges for the entire lab for one month.
After the management unit issues a receipt certificate and calculates the price, please go to the school cashier's office to pay and present the receipt to facilitate subsequent analysis services.

Charges and Discounts
  • If you have the following qualifications, you will be charged the same fee as NYCU faculty and students:
    1. Branch school
    2. Joint-appointed faculty 
    3. Affiliated hospitals 
    4. Projects are done in cooperation with and under the university's control.
  • If you have the following qualifications, the fee will be the same as that of a cooperative educational unit:
    1. Adjunct Faculty
    2. Teaching hospitals (Veterans General Hospital, Taipei City Hospital, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, etc.)
    3. University System of Taiwan (UST)
    4. Companies participate in the academia-industry cooperation center of NYCU
【Metabolite Analysis】(unit: NTD)
Services  NYCU faculty
and students
educational units
Other units
Metabolite sample pre-treatment 500 / case 750 / case 1,000 / case
Mass spectrometer standard sample (for certification exam)     500 / case 750 / case 1,000 / case
Operation fee - Technician Operation  3,000 / case 4,500 / case 6,000 / case
Operation fee- Self-operation by certified users 800 / hour 1,200 / hour 1,600 / hour
  • Standard pre-processing procedures will be applied; however, charges are negotiable if the applicant requires special pre-processing steps.
  • Technician operation fees are determined by the number of samples processed by the technician. This charge is standardized for all models and analysis modes. Each sample will be analyzed three times, and the timing of sample processing will be arranged based on the order of sample collection at the center.
  • Self-operation fees: Samples processed by the applicant will be charged based on the hourly rate. This rate includes the time for system preparation, instrument setup, sample analysis, washing between samples, and cleaning the system after the analysis. Use less than an hour will be counted as an hour.                 
【Promotional Plan】
Accumulated usage amount (NTD)     Rebate discount amount (NTD)
150,000 15,000
300,000 60,000
600,000 150,000
1,000,000 300,000
  • To promote the use of the mass spectrometer, a rebate will be provided for services related to the mass spectrometer facilities that reach a certain threshold.
  • The amount of usage will be counted in December of each year and may not be accumulated across years; the rebate will be credited against the usage fee.
  • The rebate is limited to the cost of services provided by the mass spectrometer facilities, is unlimited to the period of use, and cannot be transferred, discounted, or utilized by other organizations.
Payment Instructions  (Please contact Ms. Huang before paying; the phone number is 02-2826-7382. Thank you!)
  1. Pay at the counter: Please take this notice to the cashier team on the first floor of the Yangming Campus Administration Building or the Joint Office on the first floor of Traditional Medicine Building A to pay.
  2. Project fund transfer: purchase requisition system/project funds (payee details, please select: internal transfer); download "On-campus Unit Fund Transfer Application Form (Public Instrument Usage Fee) "and send it to the Instrumentation Resource Center as an official document; for detailed instructions, please see [On-campus plans Transfer method instructions]
  3. Remittance: Due to school administrative work, please call the center on the day of remittance and send the remittance details (last five digits of the remittance account, amount, etc.) via email back to the center's mailbox. We will issue a receipt, and your organization can pick it up in person at the center or provide the delivery address.
    • Account name: National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University 403 account
    • Financial institution: Yushan Bank (bank code: 808) Tianmu Branch (branch code: 0163)
    • Account number: 0163 9510 00028
  • Please note that the payee of the receipt is headed by the laboratory chairperson to avoid being unable to balance the account.
  • Usage statistics are calculated every two months, and bills are issued on the 11th of each month. Progressive billing is adopted, and barcodes on overdue bills are automatically invalidated.
  • In case of default, the center has the right to suspend the right to use the laboratory until payment is made.
  • Contact number: 62382; Email:
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