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NYCU Office of Research and Development

List of Instruments

  • Chemistry

  • Update Date:2024-02-06
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
  • NMR500
    Brand Model: JEOL ECZ500R/S1
  • Instrument expert: Prof. Liu, Hsueh-Ju
    ext 56547
  • Equipment management personnel: Dr. Cheng, You-Song
    ext 31510
  • Instrument location: Room 102B, Science Hall 2, Guanfu Campus
Instrument introduction
This instrument is a liquid nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer equipped with a superconducting magnet with a magnetic field of 11.74 Tesla (500 MHz).
It is a liquid double resonance system. The high frequency of the probe can be switched between single tune or dual tune, and can execute 1H{19F}, 19F{1H} and X{1H, 19F}.
In addition to 13C for low frequency, the measurable range is 31P~15N, 39K, 109Ag.
It can be used with various experiments of temperature change detection.

Instrument brand, model, purchase period
Brand: Japan JEOL
Model: ECZ500R/S1
Purchase period: 2021.12

Important Specifications
  1. Magnetic field: 11.74 Tesla (the hydrogen nucleus resonance frequency is 500MHz)
  2. Probe: 5mm HFX probe
  3. High and low temperature variable temperature system device: the allowable temperature range is -100~+150℃
  4. 64 slots auto sample changer
  5. Delta NMR data processing software
How to apply:
Please refer to the National Science Association/Related Links/Basic Research Core Facility Reservation Service Management System, log in with the user account and password to make an appointment

service items:
Sample preparation instructions:After the sample to be tested is completely dissolved in a suitable deuterated solvent (D-solvent), it is placed in a special 5mm NMR tube with a height of 4-5 cm.
  • One-dimensional homonuclear experiments: 1H, 1D-NOE, homo-decouple.
  • One-dimensional heteronuclear experiments: 31P~15N, 39K, 109Ag (13C), etc. perform decouple experiments on 1H, 19F.
  • 2D experiments: COSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC, HMBC, TOCSY, etc.
  • Other experiments: DOSY, 1H-19F HOESY, kinetic experiments
  • Variable temperature experiment: constant temperature or variable temperature experiment in the temperature range of -100~+150℃
System open level
  1. General working hours: (to be determined)
  2. Night and Holiday Periods: (To be confirmed)
System open level description
  • Level A: Open to students who need to use it. They can operate it on their own after training and assessment.
  • Level B: Each professor assigns one student to apply for training. The other students of the professor must be operated by the trained students. If a professor has too many students using the instrument, he or she may apply to the person in charge of the instrument to increase the number of students receiving training. .
  • Level C: The person in charge of the instrument selects a number of students recommended by the professor to receive training. After passing the assessment, they can operate the instrument themselves and be responsible for entrusted service work.
  • Level D: The technical staff of this laboratory accept entrusted services and are not open for use.
Charges(Unit: NTD)
111 Annual Fees Schedule an appointment Unplanned appointment
  • Basic experiment
  • Hydrogen Spectrum Experiment
  • Carbon spectrum experiment 
  • No-D experiment
$120 / 0.5 hour
$60 / piece
$120 / hour
$120 / 0.5 hour
$300 / 0.5 hour
$300 / piece
$300 / hour
$600 / 0.5 hour
Heteronuclear Experiment     $200 / hour $500 / hour
Night and Holiday Experiments
(Reservation is based on 15 hours)
$60 / hour $200 / hour
DOSY/T1/T2 experiment basic fee
(first hour)
$500 / hour $2000 / hour
DOSY/T1/T2 experiment
(from the 2nd hour)
$200 / hour $500 / hour
Two-dimensional experiments $200 / hour $500 / hour
Two-dimensional No-D experiments $400 / hour $1000 / hour
One-dimensional map processing fee $20 / hour $50 / hour
Two-dimensional map processing fee $40 / hour $100 / hour
Various temperature experiment $400 / piece $400 / piece
Sample configuration fee $300 / piece $300 / piece
Remarks: For experiments with special needs such as variable temperature experiments, please consult the price in advance and make an appointment.
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