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NYCU Office of Research and Development

List of Instruments

  • Chemistry

  • Update Date:2024-02-06
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
600 MHz ultra-high magnetic field NMR instrument
600 MHz ultra-high magnetic field NMR instrument
  • NMR600
  • Instrument expert: Prof. Wu, Yen-Ku
    ext 56505
  • Instrument consulting and operation services: Dr. Shen, Li-Ching
    ext 56510
  • Instrument location: Room 102C, Science Building 2, Guanfu Campus
Instrument brand, model, purchase period
  • Brand: American VARIAN
  • Model: VNMRS-600
  • Purchase period: June 2011
Important Specifications
Liquid NMR spectroscopy, equipped with a superconducting magnet with a magnetic field strength of 14.09 Tesla (600 MHz)
service items
  1. The instrument is equipped with a low temperature constant temperature system (down to -20 °C), which is suitable for long-term one-dimensional and two-dimensional low temperature experiments.
  2. Variable temperature experiment (-80 °C ~ 100 °C).
  3. DOSY Spectrum.
  4. Special technology of this instrument: please refer to the linked file
Note: The temperature change experiment is carried out every Wednesday, please make an appointment by phone (03-5712121 ext. 56510 Ms. Shen Yuqing)
System open level
  1. Normal working hours: D
  2. Night and holiday period: C
System open level description
  • Level A: Open to students who need to use it. They can operate it on their own after training and assessment.
  • Level B: Each professor assigns one student to apply for training. The other students of the professor must be operated by the trained students. If a professor has too many students using the instrument, he or she may apply to the person in charge of the instrument to increase the number of students receiving training. .
  • Level C: The person in charge of the instrument selects a number of students recommended by the professor to receive training. After passing the assessment, they can operate the instrument themselves and be responsible for entrusted service work.
  • Level D: The technical staff of this laboratory accept entrusted services and are not open for use.
Management methods and use methods:
  1. The use of this instrument requires the use of 【National Science Council Basic Research Core Facility Reservation Service Management System】Log in to make an appointment and obtain the electronic appointment serial number before accepting the appointment.
  2. Instrument open service includes self-operation and commissioned operation
Self-operated application process:
  1. Only the Department of Applied Chemistry of our school is open.
  2. Users need to submit an application first, and those who pass the on-board assessment need to sign the [Conclusion Form for the Use of the 600 MHz NMR System of the Guiyi Center of National Yangming Jiaotong University] to qualify for the reservation.
Application procedure for entrusted operation:
  1. a. Only after the online reservation is made to send the order, the user is eligible to use it
  2. b. The sample test sequence adopts the method of "first delivery, first testing". If you need to rush, you must wait for the technician to coordinate with the first delivery user. If the user does not agree, we will not be able to provide rush service.
  3. The entrusted sample delivery and collection can be handled by mail. After the experiment is completed, the paper and electronic files of the atlas will be provided.
  4. The optimal concentration of sample preparation is 100mM (carbon spectroscopy can be completed in 1 hour).
  5. The instrument room does not provide spectrum analysis services.
  6. The maps provided by this instrument room shall not be used for commercial advertising, legal proceedings and certification.
Working hours: Refers to weekdays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Night time: refers to the weekdays from 5:00 pm to 8:00 am the next day.
  1. Reservations with NSTC projects
    1. Basic experiment:NT$120/0.5 hour
    2. Heteronuclear experiment/two-dimensional experiment:NT$200 / hour
    3. Proton spectrum experiment: NT$60 /0.5hour
    4. Carbon spectrum experiment: NT$120 / hour
    5. Variable temperature experiment: NT$300 / hour / each temperature
    6. DOSY/T1/T2 experiment basic fee(first hour): NT$500 / hour
    7. DOSY/T1/T2 experiment fee(from 2nd hour): NT$200 / hour
    8. Map processing fee: 1D NT$20 / piece; 2D  NT$40 / piece
    9. Night time slot:  NT$900/ 15 hours.
  2. Reservations without NSTC projects
    1. Basic experiment:NT$300/0.5 hour
    2. Heteronuclear experiment/two-dimensional experiment:NT$500 / hour
    3. Proton spectrum experiment: NT$300 /0.5hour
    4. Carbon spectrum experiment: NT$300 / hour
    5. Variable temperature experiment: NT$1000 / hour / each temperature
    6. DOSY/T1/T2 experiment basic fee(first hour): NT$2000 / hour
    7. DOSY/T1/T2 experiment fee(from 2nd hour): NT$500 / hour
    8. Map processing fee: 1D NT$50 / piece; 2D  NT$100 / piece
    9. Night time slot:  NT$3000/ 15 hours.
The instrument room provides paid sample configuration service.

 *This laboratory only provides sample matching services. NMR tube and deuterium solvent (CDCl3、D2O、d6-DMSO、d3-acetonitrile、d4-methanol、d6-acetone.) A sample preparation fee of NT$300 will be charged. If the same sample needs to be replaced with a different solvent, the spectrum fee and sample configuration fee will still be charged.
  • NMR600 opening schedule
  • Special technology of NMR600