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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Basic Service-Chemistry

  • Update Date:2024-02-06
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
High Resolution Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer
High Resolution Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer
  • High Resolution Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (HRGCMS)
    Brand: JEOL, AccuTOF GCX
  • Instrument expert: Prof. Cheng, Yen-Ju
    ext 31520
  • Instrument consulting and operation services: Ms. Li, Yun-Ming
    ext 31515
  • Instrument location: Room 617, Tianjiabing Optoelectronics Center, Guanfu Campus
Instrument brand, model, purchase period
Brand: JEOL
Model: AccuTOF GCX
Purchase time: 2015.11

Important Specifications
  1. Gas chromatograph: Agilent 7890B, which can be connected to mass spectrometer and thermal conductivity detector.
  2. Flying mass spectrometer, resolution 10,000FWHM, mass range 4-6,000Da, mass accuracy of 1.5mDa or 4ppm. There are free sources such as EI (electron impact method), CI (chemical free method), FI (field free method), and FD (field desorption method). And there are NIST and WILEY databases for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  3. Autosampler: With liquid and headspace two sampling modes, it can analyze solution and gas samples.
  4. Pyrolysis instrument: FRONTIER PY-3030D, temperature range from 80°C to 800°C, with cold focusing function, and equipped with additives and polymer databases, which can perform thermal desorption and thermal cracking of solid and liquid samples and inject GCMS analyze.
Service Items and Charges(Unit: NTD)
service items Scope of application and description Schedule an appointment Unplanned appointment
Electron Ionization (EI) Mass Spectrometry Hard free source, easy to produce fragmentation, suitable for compounds with molecular weight below 900 that can be heated and vaporized, and can be injected into solid LREI: $100 / piece
HREI: $150 / piece
LREI: $1000 / piece
HREI: $1,500 / piece
Field Desorption (FD) Mass Spectrometry Soft free source, easy to generate parent ions, suitable for low polarity molecules, it needs to be injected in solution state, the mass range can reach 5000 LRFD: $120 / piece
HRFD: $200 / piece
HRFI: $200 / piece
LRFD: $1,200 / piece
HRFD: $2,000 / piece
HRFI: $2,000 / piece
chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry Soft free source, easy to generate parent ions, suitable for compounds that can be heated and gasified. Use isobutane as reaction gas LRCI: $120 / piece
HRCI: $200 / piece
LRCI: $1,200 / piece
HRCI: $2,000 / piece
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) Separation and mass spectrometry identification of small molecule mixtures that can be vaporized at 300 degrees GC-EI-LRMS: $220 / piece
GC-EI-HRMS: $250 / piece
GC-CI-HRMS: $300 / piece
GC-FI-HRMS: $330 / piece
GC-EI-LRMS: $2, 200 / piece
GC-EI-HRMS: $2,500 / piece
GC-CI-HRMS: $3,000 / piece
GC-FI-HRMS: $3,300 / piece
Gas Chromatography-Thermal Conductivity (GC-TCD) Hydrogen qualitative, relative quantitative Warm-up fee $100
Sample test $100/piece
Warm-up fee $1,000
Sample test $1,000/piece
Thermal cracking, thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry The composition of polymer and material samples is analyzed by thermal cracking and thermal desorption. $300/time (including the main signal NIST, Wiley database automatic comparison) $3,000/time (including automatic comparison of main signals NIST and Wiley databases)
quantitative analysis
  1. Establish method and calibration line
  2. Sample Analysis
  3. Internal standard method for semi-quantitative
  1. $1,000 / single target
  2. Add $300 for each sample or additional target
  3. Internal standard semi-quantitative basic fee $500
  1. $10,000 / single target
  2. Add $3,000 for each sample or additional target
  3. Semi-quantitative basic fee for internal standard method $5,000
Manual judgment HRMS molecular formula estimation, database F-search polymer analysis, interference determination, etc. $100 / hour
(At least 2 hours for polymer data interpretation)
$1,000 / hour
(At least 2 hours for polymer data interpretation)
Opening schedule:
  1. Monday to Friday 8:00~17:00: Accept entrusted services.
  2. The rest of the time: automatic sample injection GCMS detection.

Instrument use reservation: please go to National Science Council Basic Research Core Facility Reservation Service Information System or call an operating technician  


For the convenience of off-campus users, the documents can be sent by registered mail. The electronic file of the results will be delivered by e-mail about one week after the samples are received.


The tester must attach or describe the following information: 


Measurement item (GC-MS or MS).


Free mode (EI, CI, FD, FI).


Inferred structural formula, molecular formula and molecular weight. Please indicate the mass range of unknowns. Those who measure altimetry mass spectrometry must attach the molecular formula.


Solid, liquid or solution can be used, if it is a solution, please inform the estimated concentration.


A solvent that dissolves the sample.


For those who test GC-MS, if you have GC test conditions, please attach or inform the possible components. For those who use special columns, please prepare your own columns with an outer diameter of less than 0.32mm, and make an appointment by phone.


In order to maintain the normal operation of the instrument, this instrument is mainly operated by technicians.
  • HRGCMS case study