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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Basic Service-Physics

  • Update Date:2024-02-06
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
Magnetic Property Measurement System(Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)
High Precision Magnetic Measurement System (Superconducting Quantum Interferometer)
  • Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
    English abbreviation: SQUID
    Brand Model: MPMS 3
  • Instrument expert: Prof. Lin, Jiunn-Yuan
    ext 31653
  • Instrument consultation and operation service: Mr. Yu Shih-Ming
    ext 56167
  • Instrument location:Room SC028S, Science Building , Guanfu Campus
Instrument Information
  • Brand Model: MPMS 3
  • Purchase Date:  April 2019
Instrument Important Specifications
  1. Applied magnetic field: ±7T
  2. Temperature range: 2K~350K
  3. Magnetic moment range: +-10emu
  4. AC frequency range: 0.1Hz~1000Hz
  5. AC amplitude: 0.1Oe~10Oe
  6. Oven temperature range: 300K~1000K
service items
  1. Magnetic Susceptibility MT
  2. Hysteresis curve MH
  3. AC measurement
  4. High temperature Oven(T>350K)
  5. **The instrument is calibrated and compared regularly. If the measurement data is wrong, please correct it immediately. After re-measurement, it is confirmed that there is an error, and the sample will not be charged.
Instrument reservation method
  1. Please make an appointment National Science Council Basic Research Core Facility Reservation Service Management System 
System open level
  • System open level: Class D
       Class D: The technicians of the laboratory accept entrusted services
                     and are not open to self-operating users.
Opening timetable
Monday~Friday 8:00AM~12:00AM, 1:00PM~5:00PM
Charges(Unit: NTD)
1. National Science Association plan usage fee: $275 / hour
    High temperature and rotator measurement: $440 / hour
2. Non-National Science and Technology Commission planning usage fee: $1,200/hour
    High temperature and rotator measurement: $2,300/hour
  • Billable hours: Basic hours + testing hours, in hourly units, less than 1 hour is counted as 1 hour.
  • Basic hour: 0.5 hour for each vacuum break.
  • testing hours: Starting from vacuum breakage to the end of measurement and restoration of initial state (300 K and 0 Oe steady state).
  • discount:
    If there are academic outputs (SCI, EI, IEEE published journals) derived from SQUID experimental service, please provide the paper information (author, paper name, journal name, date, volume, page number). After confirmation, the hours will be deducted directly after the next use of the equipment. Thank you for your support.
    The authors gratefully acknowledge the use of "Magnetic Property Measurement System(Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)" belonging to Instrumentation Resource Center of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
      * If the paper is an instrument-assisted research output, that  is not labeled as a Core Facility Service Output, 5 hours of free lab service for each paper.
      *10 hours of free lab service per paper if the paper is provided in the Acknowledgement section, Materials and Methods, or in the Acknowledgement section of the paper     
       (please  provide the entire paper and the location of the Acknowledgement).
  • SQUID was formulated by the "Superconducting Quantum Interferometer Management Committee" convened by instrument experts. In order to provide preferential long-term use of SQUID users, those who have accumulated more than 20,000 "experimental cash" annually will enjoy a 20% discount.
  • Professor Lin, Jiunn-Yuan
  • Instrument Instructor
  • 連絡電話03-5712121#31653
  • mail
