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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Basic Service-Biology

  • Update Date:2024-02-06
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
Fourier Transform Electric Field Orbitrap and Linear Ion Trap Hybrid Mass Spectrometer
Fourier Transform Electric Field Orbitrap and Linear Ion Trap Hybrid Mass Spectrometer
  • Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
    English abbreviation: Orbitrap Fusion Lumos
    Brand: ThermoFisher
  • Instrument expert: Prof. Tsay, Yeou-Guang
    Ext. 67119
  • Instrument consultation and operation service: Ms. Huang, Pei-Hsuan
    ext 67382
    Direct call 02-28267382
  • Instrument location: Room 647, Tuzi Building, Yangming Campus
Instrument brand, model, purchase period
  • Brand: ThermoFisher
  • Model: Orbitrap Fusion™ Lumos™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer
  • Purchase period: 2022

Important Specifications
Orbitrap Fusion Lumos also includes a quadrupole mass selector, a two-stage linear ion trap mass analyzer and a Fourier transform electric field orbitrap mass analyzer, equipped with a nano-microflow liquid chromatography system (Vanquish Neo UHPLC), with collision-induced dissociation technology (CID) and high-energy collision-induced dissociation (HCD).
  1. The use of the instrument needs to be reserved in advance: please consult first Management confirms the analysis pattern, and to National Science Council Basic Research Core Facility Reservation Service Information System Book a boarding slot.
  2. Samples to be tested can be delivered in person or delivered to the office. Pick-up time: Monday to Friday 9:00~17:00
  3. Receiving Address: R648, Tuzi Building, No. 155, Section 2, Linong Street, Beitou District, Taipei City 11221 Receiving Unit: Mass Spectrometer Facility, National Yangming Chiao Tung University
Recipient: Huang Peixuan
Tel: 02-28267382 Fax: 02-28212863 Mail:
Service items and charging standards:
  • This mass spectrometer only accepts entrusted services, which are all operated by management personnel, and the instrument is not open for personal operation
  • Confirm the analysis mode with management before sending samples.
  • The sample to be tested must not contain salts and surfactants.
  • The charge for this mass spectrometer is accumulatively billed according to the number of scheduled hours, and it needs to be calculated and registered together with the system cleaning and equilibration time when the instrument is running.
Service items and charging standards
service items Note academic unit (reservations with NSTC
academic unit (reservations without NSTC
industry unit charges
Mass spectrometer machine fee
(Unit: NTD)
Accumulated billing according to the actual analysis time of the sample
(Need to calculate system cleaning and equilibration time together)
$1200 /hr $1800/hr $3600 /hr
  1. Consult management staff to confirm sample delivery details
  2. to National Science Council Basic Research Core Facility Reservation Service Information System Make an appointment for the boarding slot and fill in the relevant documents.
  3. Send the samples to be tested according to the agreed time period.
  4. After receiving the samples, the manager will arrange to board the machine according to the condition of the instrument.
  5. Once the analysis is complete, the data can be retrieved.
Official website introduction