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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Advanced Optical Microscopes

  • Update Date:2024-06-27
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
[YangMing] Super Resolution Microscope with Lattice SIM² - Zeiss Elyra 7
Super-resolution fluorescence microscope with living cell culture system Zeiss Elyra 7 with Lattice SIM2
  • Super-Resolution Microscope with Lattice SIM² and Incubation System
  • Instrument Location: Room 617, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
  • Person in charge: YM Campus Imaging Core Facility
  • Term of use: Certification
    • You must attend the Principles and Instruments training course, have confocal hands-on experience, and undergo hands-on instruction by the Specialist before applying for the certification test.
    • Only those who have passed the certification examination and operated the device more than 5 times (inclusive) during office hours will be authorized to make a reservation.
  • NT$1,300 per hour for NYCU users. Please refer to the charging standard for off-campus use.
  • Reservation >>> Instrument Reservation System 
  • Please fill out the sample information Questionnaire for first-time users and wait for the specialist's reply to confirm the time.
  • Sample testing: Each laboratory is limited to one reservation for the same type of samples (up to two hours of testing/teaching credit), and repeated reservations will be charged according to the time of use!
  • Motorized Inverted Microscope Axio Observer 7 SP
  • With Piezo xyz-stage
  • 10X (Apotome)
  • 20X (Apotome)
  • 40X oil (Apotome)
  • 63X oil (SIM)
  • 100X oil (TIRF)
Laser wavelength (nm):
  • 405, 488, 561, 642
Observation Methods:
  • Apotome
  • Lattice SIM
  • TIRF
Fluorescent Filters:
  • Eyepiece observation:Filter set 77 HE GFP + mRFP + Alexa 633 shift free
  • Image capture:
    • Position 3: EF LBF 405/488/561/642
    • Position 4: BP 420-480 / BP 495-550 / LP 655
    • Position 5: EF BP 495-550/BP 570-620
    • Position 6: BP 420-480/LP 655
  • sCMOS
Live-cell Incubation System:
  • Full hood and small stage-top incubator with temperature, humidity and CO2 control modules
  • The small living cell incubation system is erected on the stage, and the stable control concentration range of CO2 is 0.0% to 10.0% (±0.1%), suitable for 35mm culture dishes with NO.1.5 (0.17mm) glass coverslips on the bottom.
  • If you want to use the living cell system, please call the administrator before making your first appointment.
  • With Definite Focus 2 auto focus maintaining system
  • Zen
  • Super-resolution module: SIM, SIM2 module
  • Apotome
  • Offline computer workstation is available for image processing and analysis
  1. Coverslip
    • We recommend using high-precision cover glasses with thickness no. 1.5 to prepare the samples.
      • Zeiss 474030-9010-000 Deckgläser 1,5H hi 100002240928 QS; Thickness no 1 ½ , high-performance 18 mm x 18 mm, 0.170 +/- 0,005 mm
        Usage specifications
      • Marienfeld Superior:
        • 18×18 mm (Cat.No. 0107032).22×22 mm (Cat.No. 0107052).
        • round with 18 mm diameter (Cat.No. 0117580).
    • Fix your cells according to your preferred protocol.
    • Please make sure that the cover slip is centered on the glass slide, in order to fit in our samples holder.
    • For glass-bottom petri dishes and multi-well plates see:
  2. Mounting Media
    • Suggested Hardening media:
      • ProLong™ Glass Antifade Mountant P36980   RI 1.52
      • ProLong™ Gold Antifade Mountant  P36930   RI 1.46
    • As it is a hardening media, you may also notice it can somewhat flatten samples.
    • Do not use mounting media that include DAPI.
    • Concerning the refractive index (RI) of the mounting medium, prepare the slides at least 2 days before imaging. Allowing the sample to have sufficient time for curing mounting media and sealant. (2–8°C)
    • The following Aqueous(Non-Hardening) Mounting liquid media also works, despite having a lower refractive index. SlowFadeGold /Diamond RI of 1,42. VectaShield H-1000. RI of 1,44
  3.  Fluorescent Labels for SR-SIM
All common types of organic dyes usually conjugated to antibodies or fluorescent proteins are suitable to be used for SR-SIM. For multicolor samples the fluorophores should be selected for minimal spectral overlap to avoid crosstalk.
  • 405 nm (50 mW),
  • 488 nm (100 mW),
  • 561 nm (100 mW),
  • 642 nm (150 mW)
Note: Cytosolic or other non-specific fluorescent protein expression (e.g. GFP) will result in staining of extended areas. Since well-defined structures are missing to interfere with the grid pattern, modulation contrast will be low and the final image will lack high resolution information.
*Users must be certified.
Users must attend the Principles and Instruments training course, have confocal hands-on experience, and undergo hands-on instruction by the Specialist before applying for the certification test.
  • Only those who have passed the certification examination and operated the device more than 5 times (inclusive) during office hours will be authorized to make a reservation.
  • Each person can make 4 reservations within two weeks, and each reservation can be made for 4 hours.
  • Reservation regulations:
    • Please fill out the sample information Questionnaire for first-time users and wait for the specialist's reply to confirm the time.
    • Sample testing: Each laboratory is limited to one reservation for the same type of samples (up to two hours of testing/teaching credit), and repeated reservations will be charged according to the time of use!
    • Please go to the "Instrument Reservation System" to make a reservation before use. The person who makes the reservation must be the actual user.
    • After use, please register in the record book. The start time is the reservation time, and the end time is based on the end time of use. You cannot delay the start time or occupy other people's time slots.
    • Reservations cannot be canceled on the same day. Reservations made more than half an hour after the scheduled time are considered abandoned.
    • No same-day reservations are accepted. Please confirm your reservation by 16:30 of the previous workday at the latest; late changes violate the rules and will not be accepted
  • Monday to Friday (Office Hours)
    • 08:30-17:00 Certified Users Only
  • weekend
    • temporarily closed
Instrument Charges (NTD per hour)
Advanced optical microscope Super-Resolution Microscope
with Lattice SIM² and Incubation System
Model (Z) Elyra 7
Fees for NYCU faculty and students 1,300
Fees for cooperative ducational unit 1,950
Fees for other unit 2,600
  1. Brand abbreviation: (Z) Zeiss
  2. Number of Reservations: Each person can make four reservations per device within a two-week period, with a maximum of four hours per reservation. Reservations can be made consecutively on all devices.
  3. Besides the imaging core facility education and training organized by the center, it is recommended to bring your samples for scheduled teaching and certification tests (experimental data can be taken away), and the charges will be the same as for general computer use.
  4. The above table shows the hourly usage charge. Charges are calculated on a half-hour basis.
If you have the following qualifications, you will be charged the same fee as NYCU faculty and students:
  • Branch school
  • Joint-appointed faculty 
  • Affiliated hospitals 
  • Projects in cooperation with and under the control of the University.
If you have the following qualifications, the fee will be the same as that of a cooperative educational unit:
  • Adjunct faculty
  • Teaching hospitals (Veterans General Hospital, Taipei City Hospital, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, etc.)
  • University System of Taiwan (UST)
  • Companies participate in the academia-industry cooperation center of NYCU
Instruments are charged per half hour, and the billing will be counted at the end of each odd-numbered month. Please bring the bill to the Cashier's Section of the Administration Building within two weeks at the latest. The service will be stopped if the number of overdue payments reaches (and includes) two times.
  1. No USB flash drive is allowed. Please use FTP to transfer files or bring your blank CD-ROM to burn data. Due to the limited space of the computer's hard disk, the administrator will delete the data from time to time to facilitate the normal operation of the instrument. We are not responsible for data storage.
  2. Without the consent of the administrator of the Center, you are not allowed to add or remove any parts, alter the system settings, or install software on the Center's public equipment. If any experiment requires any test, the administrator's consent must be sought first and accompanied by the engineer of the original manufacturer to carry out the testing without damaging the normal operation of the equipment, and only after the passing of the test can it be operated and used by the personnel approved by the administrator of the Center under the condition of the administrator's permission.
  3. According to the administrator's judgment, the violator is warned for the first time, canceled the right to use for one month for the second time, and canceled the right to use permanently for the third time; if the violator violates the above specification, resulting in the damage of the instrument, the violator shall pay compensation to repair the instrument and stop the right to use for one month. The violator is prohibited from using the instrument permanently.
  • Introduction : Product info_Elyra-7
  • Operation Manual : Quick Guide (20230314 version)
  • Principle and Instrument Introduction : The New Era of Super-resolution Microscopy, Elyra 7
  • Elyra 7 Certification Application form
  • User Rules for Confocal Microscopes and Advanced Optical Microscopes
    • User rules
Related Image(s):
  • Contact: [ ext. 66185]