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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Cell Sorter

  • Update Date:2024-05-22
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
[YangMing] Cell Sorter - Beckman CytoFLEX SRT
Beckman CytoFLEX SRT
  • Instrument Location: Room B02, Shou-ren Building
  • Term of use:
    • Commissioned operation service
  • Reservation >>> Instrument Reservation System
  • Administrator: contact Flow Cytometry Core
  • The system is equipped with four lasers with wavelengths of 488nm, 561nm, 405nm, and 633nm.SRT is equipped with 4 lasers with wavelengths of 488nm, 561nm, 405nm, and 633nm, each with their respective specifications.
  • Supports complex sorting logic, including 4-way sorting, mixed-mode sorting, and the ability to capture replacement cells and preserve valuable cells.
  • Sets up smart, simplifies, and automatically establishes and maintains sorting flow.
  • Capable of four-way sorting into four 5mL tubes, two 15mL tubes + two 5mL tubes, or 6, 12, 24, 96, 384 well plates.
  • Please use 5mL Tubes for the sample tube.
Reservation method:
  • Technician operation service: please make online reservations via the Instrument Reservation System.
  • If you are more than 30 minutes late, it will be regarded as a no-show, giving up the reservation. However, you still have to pay the start-up and a one-hour usage fee.
  • Cancellation: Please call or cancel the reservation online before 16:30 the day before the reserved time slot. Otherwise, you will be charged as a no-show reservation.
  • Monday to Friday: Technician operation 
    • 09:00-12:00 
    • 13:30-16:00
  • Weekend/holiday: Closed
Charging standards (Unit: NTD)
Flow Cytometry Services Unit NYCU faculty and students Cooperative educational units Other units
Cell Sorter:
  • BD FACS Melody
  • Beckman CytoFLEX SRT

per half hour 300  450
Technician operation per half hour 400 600 800
An additional startup fee will be charged for technician operation per case 1,000 1,500 2,000
Cell Analyzer BD FACS Calibur per half hour 210 315 420
Beckman CytoFLEX
per half hour 140 210 280
Beckman CytoFLEX
(Technician operation)
per tube 200 300 400
  • If you have the following qualifications, you will be charged the same fee as NYCU faculty and students:
    1. Branch school
    2. Joint-appointed faculty 
    3. Affiliated hospitals 
    4. Projects are done in cooperation with and under the university's control.
  • If you have the following qualifications, the fee will be the same as that of a cooperative educational unit:
    1. Adjunct Faculty
    2. Teaching hospitals (Veterans General Hospital, Taipei City Hospital, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, etc.)
    3. University System of Taiwan (UST)
    4. Companies participate in the academia-industry cooperation center of NYCU
  1. No USB flash drive is allowed. Please use FTP to transfer files or bring your blank CD-ROM to burn data. Due to the limited space of the computer's hard disk, the administrator will delete the data from time to time to facilitate the normal operation of the instrument. We are not responsible for data storage.
  2. Without the consent of the administrator of the Center, you are not allowed to add or remove any parts, alter the system settings, or install software on the Center's public equipment. If any experiment requires any test, the administrator's consent must be sought first and accompanied by the engineer of the original manufacturer to carry out the testing without damaging the normal operation of the equipment, and only after the passing of the test can it be operated and used by the personnel approved by the administrator of the Center under the condition of the administrator's permission.
  3. According to the administrator's judgment, the violator is warned for the first time, canceled the right to use for one month for the second time, and canceled the right to use permanently for the third time; if the violator violates the above specification, resulting in the damage of the instrument, the violator shall pay compensation to repair the instrument and stop the right to use for one month. The violator is prohibited from using the instrument permanently.
Cell Concentration
Nozzle Cell type Cell concentration
100μm All cells (Max. Size: 20μm) 1 × 107/ml

Users can use different protocols according to their needs, such as antibody labeling or fluorescent gene transfection, but the following procedures must be completed before using the machine:
  1. Samples must be filtered with a nylon mesh (mesh size: 45μm). It is recommended to use Falcon cell strainer #352235 tube with mesh or #352340 40μm mesh. Then, place the filtered cells in a Falcon 12 × 75mm tube (Cat#352052). The table above describes the cell concentration, and the minimum sorting volume is 1 mL. Note: Failure to filter the sample, resulting in nozzle blockage or machine damage, will result in liability for compensation. If the machine is clogged and cannot operate due to unfiltered cells, the center reserves the right to cancel the current appointment and charge usage fees.
  2. If the cells need to be cultured after sorting, please prepare a collection tube containing a suitable cell culture medium and hand it over to the operator before the sorting service.
  3. Note that providing unstained cells as control group samples is required for instrument calibration before sorting.
  4. If you perform sorting with multiple fluorescent staining, you must provide single stained samples of each fluorescent marker for instrument adjustment and correction before sorting.
Related Image(s):
  • Contact: [ Flow Cytometry Core Facility 66473]