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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Basic Service-Chemistry

  • Update Date:2024-02-06
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
High Resolution Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometer
  • High Resolution Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometer
    English abbreviation: UPLC/HRMS/MS
    Brand: Bruker, Impact HD, EVOQ
  • Instrument expert: Prof. Li, Yaw-Kuen
    Ext 31985
  • Instrument consultation and operation service: Dr. Huang, Sheng-Cih
    ext 56574
  • Instrument location: Room 617, Tianjiabing Optoelectronics Center, Guanfu Campus
Instrument brand, model, purchase period
Brand: Bruker
Model: Impact HD , EVOQ
Purchase period: 102.11

Important Specifications
  1. Utimate 3000 ultra-high performance liquid chromatography system: the maximum pressure can reach 15000psi, and the composition of the eluent can be changed step by step to enhance the separation effect.
  2. source of ion:
    • A. Electrospray method (ESI): Free highly polar analytes.
    • B. Atmospheric pressure photodissociation method (APPI): Free the analyte with double bond or benzene ring, which can be photodissociated.
  3. High-resolution mass spectrometer Impact HD: The first section is a quadrupole mass spectrometer, and the second section is a time-of-flight mass spectrometer, with high resolution (40,000FWHM) and mass accuracy (<2ppm). It can also be used with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography system for LCMS or LCMSMS.
  4. Low-resolution mass spectrometer EVOQ: Quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer, capable of low-resolution ESI-MS and MRM quantitative analysis.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00~17:00; entrusted services are accepted.

service items


General services:


Low-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (±ESI): mass spectrometry determination of highly polar small molecule compounds (MW<2000).


High-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (±ESI) and atmospheric pressure photodissociation ionization (APPI) high-resolution accurate mass determination.


Mass spectrometry tandem method (MS/MS): including full mass spectrometry scanning and product ion scanning, which can analyze the structure of compounds.


Protein identification: provide mgf files, which can be compared using online MASCOT.


Special services:
Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS): Because the selection of liquid chromatography separation columns and conditions is complex and professional and technical, it is listed as a special service item , first contact the operator to discuss the sample properties, and provide the LC separation conditions and even the column.
Management methods and use methods:


For the convenience of off-campus users, the submitted documents can be sent by registered mail, and the returned documents will be sent by e-mail to transmit the results in the electronic file of the map.


The tester must attach or describe the following information:


Measurement item (free method, positive or negative ion, MS or MS/MS)


The estimated structural formula, molecular formula and molecular weight. Please indicate the mass range of unknowns. For those who measure the high resolution mass spectrum, please attach the low resolution mass spectrum.


It can be solid, liquid or solution. If it is a solution, the concentration should be 1ppm or more than 1 pmole/μl.


The sample should be soluble in water, methanol or acetonitrile (Acetonitrile) and please specify.


The analytical sample should not contain radioactive, corrosive, strong acid or alkali, or non-volatile salts such as surfactants and phosphates.


The protein identification sample must have obvious band when it is stained with Coomassie blue. Please perform enzyme digestion and pass through the C18 desalting tip. If the laboratory needs to replace the C18 desalting tip, an additional 300 yuan will be charged for each piece.


In order to maintain the normal operation of the instrument,This instrument is mainly operated by technicians.


In response to the needs of the National Science Council to write the "Annual Work Report and Mid-term Progress Report", quantify the research results, evaluate the contribution of the school's service center to academic research, and use the unit's instruments and equipment. Please mention this unit at any time, and please e-mail the PDF electronic file of the published paper to us in order to apply for the thank you discount (Attachment 1). If the staff of the center (including technicians, moderators, etc.) have made significant contributions to the paper, please also consider including co-authors. Thank you for your help to make this instrument work more smoothly.
Charges(Unit: NTD)
service items Service Content Use a school Schedule an appointment Unplanned appointment
Low Resolution Small Molecule Mass Spectrometry (ESI)
  1. One-time mass spectrometry determination of positive and negative ion electrospraying with molecular weight less than 1250  
  2. Secondary Mass Spectrometry (MSMS) Determination
chemistry, chemical industry
Life Science Materials Science Medicinal Chemistry
  1. $200 / piece
  2. $200 / piece
  1. $1500 / piece
  2. $1500 / piece
High resolution and macromolecular mass spectrometry (ESI, APPI)
  1. Provide high-resolution and accurate mass spectrometry and electrospray (ESI) determination of proteins and polymers  
  2. Provide accurate mass spectrometry by atmospheric pressure photodissociation method (APPI)
  3. Secondary Mass Spectrometry (MSMS) Determination
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Environmental Science Life Science Materials Science Medicinal Chemistry
  1. $300 / piece  
  2. $300 / piece
  1. $2500 / piece  
  2. $2500 / piece
Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography + high-resolution mass spectrometry (UPLC/HRMS or UPLC/HRMS-MS)
  1. Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography separation  
  2. Full mass spectrometry scan
  3. Product ion scan
  4. Elemental composition prediction
  5. Specify UV wavelength scan
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Environmental Science Life Science Materials Science Medicinal Chemistry The start-up fee is $700 /0.5 hours.
  1. Provide the mass spectrum with the strongest signal at five time points
  2. For each additional mass spectrogram at a specified time, $20 will be charged
  3. Add UV: $30 / piece
The start-up fee is $3500/0.5 hours.
  1. Provide the mass spectrum with the strongest signal at five time points
  2. For each additional mass spectrogram at a specified time, $200 will be charged
  3. Add UV: $300 / piece
protein identification Provide mgf file, which can be compared with online MASCOT. life sciences $350 / piece
For those who need our laboratory to replace C18 desalting tip, each piece will be charged $30 yuan
$3,500 /piece If the laboratory has passed C18 desalting tip on behalf of the laboratory, an additional $300 will be charged for each piece
quantitative analysis
  1. Establish method and calibration line
  2. Sample analysis
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Environmental Science Life Science Materials Science Medicinal Chemistry
  1. Basic fee $1600
  2. $350 / piece
  1. Basic fee $8000
  2. $3500 / piece
urgent Return within 24 hours (need to contact in advance)    double the price double the price
  • LCMS actual analysis case 20140909
  • 1040316 Jiaotong University Mass Spectrometer Discount Application Form
  • LC-MS Application Form-20240111-Manufacturer (Yangming Chiaotung University)