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NYCU Office of Research and Development

Imaging Core of YM Campus

  • Update Date:2025-01-14
  • Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
【Announcement of Imaging Core】
  • 2024/08/22 [LSM700 Upgrade] Attention: As the LSM700 parts have been discontinued, to avoid months of temporary downtime during future failures, the center will be upgrading the equipment from late September to early October (one week in advance), so please plan and arrange your experiments in advance to minimize the impact of downtime.  
    After the upgrade, the quality and speed of image acquisition will be improved. However, the acquisition software, scan area, intensity, etc., will differ (it cannot be applied to the original LSM700 settings), and the original users must be re-qualified to use the upgraded model. The center will arrange the training course and assist in re-qualifying.
  • 2024/02/01 The 2022-year application for MetaMorph has expired this year. If you need to continue to use it, please re-submit the MetaMorph IP certification application form. If you need assistance, please get in touch with Pei-jun Chen or Yung-yu Lu (ext. 65980/66185)
  • 2023/01/18 The visible light source of the Leica DM6000B fluorescent microscope in the Biomedical Engineering Museum has been repaired, and the brightness can be adjusted from the knob on the body. Welcome to use.
  • 2022/11/29 [Instrument relocation] MetaMorph stand-alone version PC1 and PC2 on the fourth floor of the original medical engineering building have been relocated to room 639 of the Library, Information, and Research Building and restored to use.
  • 2022/10/17 Education Training Course Handout Archives, if necessary, welcome to download.
  • 2022/06/15 [Instrument relocation] Room 639 of the original plan Olympus Fv10i and Olympus IX83 moved to Room 617, reopened since 6/17.
  • 2022/05/06 The LSM880 of the Biomedical Engineering Museum has been repaired and returned to use.
  • 2022/04/13 Room 640 LSM7MP two-photon laser is ready; online reservations are open now.
Instrument Introduction
影像分析軟體 MetaMorph

Image analysis software- MetaMorph standalone version

Image Analysis Software-MetaMorph Online 10-Person Edition

#YangMing Campus
  • the online version can only be used after applying for on-campus IP;
  • the location of the stand-alone version Room639, Library, Information & Research Building
全玻片掃描系統-Zeiss Axioscan 7

Whole Slide Scanning System - Zeiss Axioscan 7

#Yangming Campus
#Certified for self-operation #chargeable use. 
Slide Scanner: can scan transmitted light and fluorescent slides in batches, up to 12 standard slides at a time;
  • Location: Instrumentation Resource Center, Room 438, Biomedical Engineering Building
正立式螢光顯微鏡 -Leica DM6000B

Upright Fluorescence Microscope - Leica DM6000B

#YangMing Campus
Certified for self-operation, Motorized Upright Fluorescence Microscope,
  • Location: Instrumentation Resource Center, Room 438, 4th Floor, Biomedical Engineering Building
正立式螢光顯微鏡 -Olympus BX63

Upright Microscope -Olympus BX63

#Yangming Campus
#Certified for self-operation, Motorized Upright Fluorescence Microscope,
  • Location: Room B1, B03, Shou-ren Building
正立式螢光顯微鏡-Olympus BX61

Upright Fluorescence Microscope - Olympus BX61

#Yangming Campus #Certified for self-operation, Upright Fluorescence Microscope,
  • Location: Room 639, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
活細胞用倒立式螢光顯微鏡-Olympus IX83

Motorized Inverted Fluorescence Microscope with Incubation System - Olympus IX83

#Yangming Campus #Certified for self-operation, #Chargeable use, Motorized Inverted Fluorescence Microscope with Incubation System,
  • Location: Room 617, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
超解析顯微鏡含活細胞培養系統-Zeiss Elyra 7

Super Resolution Microscope with Live-Cell Incubation System - Zeiss Elyra 7

#Yangming Campus #Certified for self-operation #Chargeable use, Super-resolution Microscope with Lattice SIM and Incubation System,
  • Location: Room 617, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡 Zeiss LSM900 with Airyscan 2

Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope - Zeiss LSM900 with Airyscan 2

#Yangming Campus #specialists can assist with the operation during office hours. In addition to the Airyscan function, self-operation certification is also available. #fee-based use, Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope,
  • Location: Room 639, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡 Confocal Microscope-Zeiss LSM880

Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope - Zeiss LSM880 with Airyscan

#YangMing Campus #Chargeable use
#Technicians can assist with the operation during office hours. In addition to the Airyscan function, self-operation certification is also available.
Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope. 
  • Location: Instrumentation Resource Center, 4th floor, Biomedical Engineering Building
雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡 Confocal Microscope-Zeiss LSM700

Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope - Zeiss LSM900 (Upgraded LSM700+)

#YangMing Campus #Certified for self-operation. #Chargeable use,
Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope;
  • Location: Room 640, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
雙光子雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡 Confocal Microscope-Zeiss LSM7MP

Two-photon Laser Scanning Microscope - Zeiss LSM7MP

#YangMing Campus #Certified for self-operation #Chargeable Use
Multi-photon Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
  • Location: Room 640, 6F, Library, Information & Research Building
雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡 Confocal Microscope-Olympus FV1000

Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope - Olympus FV1000

# Yangming Campus; Certified for self-operation; Chargeable use; Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope;
  • Location: Room B03, B1 floor, Shou-ren Building
雷射掃描共軛焦顯微鏡 Confocal Microscope-Olympus FV10i

Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope - Olympus FV10i

#YangMing Campus #Certified for self-operation; #Chargeable use
Inverted Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope;
  • Location: Room 617, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
Comparison of confocal microscopes
Model Zeiss Elyra7

Zeiss LSM900 
with Airyscan2

Zeiss LSM880 
with Airyscan

Zeiss LSM900
(Upgraded LSM700+)

Olympus FV1000 Olympus FV10i ZeissLSM 7MP
Location Room 617,
6th Floor,
Library, Information & Research Building

Room 639,
6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building

Room 438, 4th Floor,
Biomedical Engineering Building
Room 640,
6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
Room B03,
B1 Floor,
Shou-ren Building
Room 617,
6th Floor,
Library, Information & Research Building
Room 640,
6th Floor,
Library, Information & Research Building
Objectives Air 10X (Apotome),
20X (Apotome)
5X, 10X, 20X, 5X, 10X, 20X, 5X, 10X, 20X, 10X, 20X, 40X, 10X, --
Oil/water Immersion 40X oil (Apotome),
63X oil (SIM),
100X oil (TIRF)
63X(oil), 100X(oil)
40X(oil), 40X(water),
60X(oil), 100X(oil) 60X(oil) 20X(water),
Laser wavelength (nm) 405, 488, 561, 642 405, 488,561,640 405, 440, 458, 488, 514, 543, 594, 633 405, 488, 561, 640 405, 440, 458, 488, 515, 543, 633, 405(SIM) 405, 473, 559, 635 Two-photon laser
690-1040 nm
Detector Camera: sCMOS GaAsp x2,
32-channel GaAsp x1,
AiryScan x1
T-PMT x1
34-channel QUASAR detectors
(PMT x2, 32-channel GaAsp x1),
AiryScan x1
T-PMT x1
PMT x2,
GaAsp x1,
PMT x3
T-PMT x1
PMT x2,
T-PMT x1
NDD (Non-Descanned Detectors) x2
Transmission illumination images BF BF, DIC BF, DIC BF, DIC BF, DIC PH BF, DIC
Application XY, XYZ, XYZT V V V V V V --
Tile, multi-area V V V V -- V --
Photobleaching -- V V V V
SIM Laser (405nm)
-- V
Lambda scan -- V V V V -- --
Live-cell incubation modules
(temp. and CO2)
Full-cover and stage-top incubation system Full-cover incubation system Full-cover incubation system Stage-top incubation system -- -- --
FL mode (by CCD) V V V -- -- -- --
Super Resolution Lattice SIM Airyscan 2,
Not open for self-operation
Fast Airyscan,
Not open for self-operation
-- -- -- --
Terms of use Certified operation Specialist operation
Or certified to operate by yourself
Specialist operation
Or certified to operate by yourself
Certified operation Certified operation Certified operation Certified operation,
Or contact Dr. Zhu Yexiu
(Ext. 66226)

Comparison of Fluorescence Microscopes specifications
Model Olympus BX61 Leica DM6000 Olympus BX63 Olympus IX83 Zeiss Axioscan7
Location Room 639,
6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building

Room 438,
4th Floor, Biomedical Engineering Building
Room B03,
B1 Floor, Shou-ren Building
Room 617,
6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
Room 438,
4th Floor, Biomedical Engineering Building
Type Upright Upright Upright Inverted,
with a live-cell incubation system
Automatic Slide Scanner
Sample type 76x26 mm microscope slide 76x26 mm microscope slide 76x26 mm microscope slide slide, 35mm dish, 86x128mm well plate
(Please ask the administrator before using)
76x26 mm, 76x52 mm microscope slides
Objectives Air 10X, 20X, 40X, 5X, 10X, 20X, 1.25X, 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X, 2X, 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X, 5X/0.25
20X/0.5, 20X/0.8
Oil/water Immersion 100X (oil) 40X (oil),
63X (oil),
100X (oil)
100X (oil) 60X (Silicon oil) --
Stage Manual stage
manual XY
Manual stage
manual XY
Ultrasonic automatic stage,
automatic XYZ
Ultrasonic automatic stage,
automatic XYZ
automatic XYZ,
with 3 mounting frames, each can carry 4 76x26mm slides or 2 52x76mm slides.
Camera color CCD monochrome CCD color CCD Dual imaging system:
color cMOS + monochrome scMOS
Dual imaging system:
color cMOS + monochrome cMOS
Filter set DAPI,
FITC (510IF),
GFP (525/50),
Cy3 (610/75),
Red (647/75),
GFP (LP510),
FITC (BP510-550),
TRITC, mCherry,
GFP (525/30),
FITC-long (LP510),
TRITC (607/36),
mCherry (645/90),
Cy5 (684/24),
CFP (472/30),
YFP (542/27)
DAPI (425/30),
GFP (514/30),
DsRed/mCherry (592/25),
Cy5 (681/45),
Cy7 (788/38)
Transmission illumination image BF (color) BF (mono),
PH (phase contrast)
BF (color)
PO (dark field)
BF color, 
BF mono, 
PH (4X/10X/20X),
DIC (40X/60X)
Application Visible light dyeing 
(HE stain, etc.)
V Grayscale images only V V V
Auto multi-channel -- V V V V
Automatic multi-position  -- -- V V V
Tile image Requires additional software assistance Requires additional software assistance V
automatic with a focus map
automatic with a focus map
automatic detection, focusing, and stitching
Automatic Z-stack V V V V V
Terms of use Certified operation,
Free for faculties and students on campus
Certified operation,
Free for faculties and students on campus
Certified operation,
Free for faculties and students on campus
Certified operation,
On-campus usage fee: NTD 50 per half-hour
Certified operation,
On-campus usage fee: NTD 150 per half-hour
The Suggestion of Fluorescence Microscope Selection
how to choose fluorescence microscope
  • Selection Basis
  • * Sample Type: Slides
    • > Fluorescence Staining
      • -- with infrared staining and automatic multi-color acquisition: DM6000B (free), BX63 (free), IX83 ($), Axuiscan7 ($)
      • -- No need for infrared staining and automatic multi-color acquisition: BX61 (free)
    • > Immunohistochemical staining
      • -- With automatic multi-area acquisition and stitching: BX63 (free), IX83 ($), Axioscan7 ($)
      • -- No need for automatic multi-area acquisition: BX61 (free)
  • * Sample Type: Living cell or multi-well plate: IX83 ($)
  • ($) Usage Fee for NYCU faculties and students:
    • > IX83: NTD 50 per half-hour
    • > Axioscan7: NTD 150 per half-hour
    • > Other models are free

Charging standards
  • In addition to the imaging core facility education and training courses organized by the center, it is recommended that you bring your samples for scheduled teaching and certification exams (experimental data can be taken away). The charges will be the same as for general use.
  • If you have the following qualifications, you will be charged the same fee as NYCU faculty and students:
    1. Branch school
    2. Joint-appointed faculty 
    3. Affiliated hospitals 
    4. Projects are done in cooperation with and under the control of the university.
  • If you have the following qualifications, the fee will be the same as that of a cooperative educational unit:
    1. Adjunct Faculty
    2. Teaching hospitals (Veterans General Hospital, Taipei City Hospital, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, etc.)
    3. University System of Taiwan (UST)
    4. Companies participate in the academia-industry cooperation center of NYCU
Charges for fluorescence microscopes (NTD per hour)
Slide Scanner Upright type Inverted type
(For living cells)

Based on Confocal Microscope
(For living cells)

Model (Z) Axioscan 7 (L) DM6000B
(O) BX61
(O) BX63
(O) IX83 (Z) LSM880 with Airyscan
(Z) LSM900 with Airyscan2
Fees for NYCU faculty and students 300 0 100 300
Fees for cooperative educational units 450 50 150 450
Fees for other unit 600 100 200 600
  1. Abbreviation: (L) Leica, (O) Olympus, (Z) Zeiss
  2. Number of Reservations: Each person can make four reservations per device within two weeks, with a maximum of four hours per reservation. Reservations can be made consecutively on all devices.
  3. Besides the imaging core facility education and training organized by the center, it is recommended that you bring your samples for scheduled teaching and certification exams (experimental data can be taken away), and the charges will be the same as for general use.
  4. The above table shows the hourly usage charge. Charges are calculated on a half-hour basis.
Users must complete confocal microscope certification to use.
Charges for confocal microscopes (NTD per hour)
(Z) LSM880
Office hours
(Z) LSM880
(Z) LSM900*
Office hours
(Z) LSM900*
(Z) LSM900
(O) FV1000 (O) FV10i (Z) LSM7MP
Restricted to Certified Users -- V -- V V V V V
Fees for NYCU faculty and students 900 500 800 600 600 500 300 1,000
Fees for cooperative educational units 1,350 -- 1,200 -- 900 750 450 1,500
Fees for other unit 1,800 -- 1,600 -- 1,200 1,000 600 2,000
  1. Abbreviations: (O) Olympus, (Z) Zeiss
  2. Number of Reservations: Each person can make up to four reservations on a single device within two weeks. Nighttime use and LSM7MP allow up to 3 hours per reservation, while other devices allow up to 2 hours per reservation. Reservations can be made consecutively on all devices.
  3. The office hours are from 08:30 to 16:30, and the nighttime period is from 16:30 to 08:30 the next day.
  4. Contact the center's administrator if you need to take time-lapse imaging overnight.
  5. LSM 7MP is open from 09:00 to 17:00. If you need to operate at night, inform the administrator in advance.
  6. LSM900* stands for the LSM900 with Airyscan2 model, while LSM700+ stands for the upgraded LSM700 (LSM900 model.)
  7. In addition to the education and training of the imaging core facilities organized by the center, it is recommended that you prepare your samples (experimental data can be taken away) for scheduled training and certification tests. The charges will be the same as for general use of the system.
  8. The above table shows the hourly usage charge. Charges are calculated on a half-hour basis.
Charges for Advanced Microscope (NTD per hour)
Special optical microscope Super-Resolution Microscope
with Lattice SIM² and Incubation System
Model (Z) Elyra 7
Fees for NYCU faculty and students 1,300
Fees for cooperative educational units 1,950
Fees for other unit 2,600
  1. Abbreviation: (Z) Zeiss
  2. Number of Reservations: Each person can make four reservations per device within two weeks, with a maximum of four hours per reservation. Reservations can be made consecutively on all devices.
  3. Besides the imaging core facility education and training organized by the center, it is recommended that you bring your samples for scheduled teaching and certification tests (experimental data can be taken away), and the charges will be the same as for general use.
  4. The above table shows the hourly usage charge. Charges are calculated on a half-hour basis.
Instruments are charged per half hour, and the billing will be counted at the end of each odd-numbered month. Please bring the bill to the Cashier's Section of the Administration Building within two weeks at the latest. The service will be stopped if the number of overdue payments reaches (and includes) two times.

Contact Imaging Core
  • Ms. Pei-Jun Chen
  • Contact number Ext: 66185 / Room 639, 6th Floor, Library, Information & Research Building
  • Ms. Yung-yu Lu
  • Contact numberExt: 65980 / Instrument Resource Center, 4th Floor, Biomedical Engineering Building